给希望. 服务他人. 改变生活!

如果你有一颗帮助需要帮助的人的心, 然后考虑成为一名给人希望的社会工作者, 服务他人,改变生活. CUAA的社会工作项目将为你在社区中发挥作用做好准备, 家庭和个人. Concordia's BSW integrates faith with service and provides an opportunity to use your God-given gifts to serve God and neighbor, 拥有一个令人满意的职业生涯.

学分 120
  • 孩子 & 家庭服务中心
  • 社区 & 学校
  • 医院 & 心理健康



有热情帮助有需要的人并产生影响的人. These are the individuals the field of social work needs - and the individuals who are honing their crafts in Concordia’s Bachelor’s in Social work program. 用正规赌博十大网站天赋来侍奉上帝,不仅仅是侍奉上帝, 但你周围的世界有一份充实的社会工作.




Everything that you learn will be centered around the Council on Social Work 教育’s (CSWE) nine competencies. 它们包括:表现出专业的行为, 促进人权, 运用实践指导研究和研究指导实践, 和各种各样的人交流.

Our philosophy of education makes us unique at Concordia; we believe that Christian service, 质量的研究, 实践学习是你成长为一名称职的专业人士的最佳因素. 你将学习为个人提供支持和咨询的综合方法, 家庭, 组, 社区, 有需要的组织.


我们在康科迪亚过着不平凡的生活. That’s why we have a large focus on fieldwork in our social work program: to put you in the kinds of uncommon circumstances you will experience everyday in your future career. 实地考察就是把你在课堂上学到的东西应用到现实生活中去. 在正规赌博十大网站社会工作学位中, 你将参加为期一年的活动, 有专业指导的实习经验并完成450小时. We encourage you to explore many options for your field experience and remain open to the unknown. Field experience is an integral part of becoming a social worker;  it allows you to explore the diverse opportunities that are offered in social work practice and to discover your strengths, 资产, 和激情. 作为CUW的学生实习生, 你可以在专业人士的监督下发展和展示正规赌博十大网站能力. 为了加强这种体验, you’ll participate in weekly mentoring seminars with experienced faculty to debrief and analyze specific events. 了解更多关于现场工作在我们的手册和潜在的现场工作经验的位置.


从CUAA毕业并获得BSW学位的学生可以申请我们的高级学位 社会工作硕士课程. Both of these progams are primarily online allowing you maximum flexibility and able to get your undergrad and graduate degree in just FIVE years. 今天了解更多! 

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